Getting Started with the Discord Client

Setting Up Your World

Create a World

Use /createworld to begin your adventure. Provide an initial description of your world using the worldstate option.

  • Example: /createworld worldstate: A mystical land shrouded in fog.

View World Details

Use /worlddetails to see detailed information about a specific world or your active world. Leave the worldid option blank to view your active world.

  • Example: /worlddetails worldid: <your-world-id>

Set Your Active World

Use /setactiveworld to change your currently active world.

  • Example: /setactiveworld (select a world from the menu that appears).

Building Your Character

Add Yourself to a World

Use /addplayer to join a world. Provide a playername and optionally specify your starting location (region, building, area) and coordinates.

  • Example: /addplayer playername: Hero region: Town A building: Guild Hall area: Lobby coordinate_x: 10 coordinate_y: 15 coordinate_z: 5

Check Your Active World

Use /activeworld to see which world you are currently engaged in.

  • Example: /activeworld

Managing Inventory

View Your Inventory

Use /inventory to check your current inventory in a world or another player's inventory.

  • Example: /inventory worldid: <your-world-id> player: @PlayerTag

Interacting with the World

Perform Actions

Use /action to perform various actions in your world. Choose a category (e.g., Say, Do, See, Story, Auto) and specify the action to execute.

  • Example: /action category: Say action: Shout "Hello, world!"

Turn Categories Help


  • Focus: Dialogue as the player's character.
  • Action: Write or respond with conversational input to interact with NPCs or progress the story through dialogue.


  • Focus: Player actions, including exploration or item discovery.
  • Action: Perform an action such as searching for items, exploring new areas, or interacting with objects in the environment.


  • Focus: A vivid, detailed perspective of the world from the player's viewpoint.
  • Action: Describe or observe the surroundings to gain more insight into the environment and uncover hidden details.


  • Focus: Expanding the narrative in a larger block, adding conflict or objectives.
  • Action: Allow the story to progress significantly, introducing new challenges, goals, or pivotal plot points.


  • Focus: Act on the player's behalf, using context to determine what the player does next.
  • Action: Let the system decide the best course of action for your character based on the current situation and context.

Pro Tips

  • Privacy Mode: Some commands respect privacy settings and will only display messages to you.
  • Timeouts: Be mindful of timeouts in interactive menus (e.g., selecting your active world). If the menu expires, reissue the command.
  • Detailed Feedback: Use command feedback (e.g., world details, action results) to plan your next steps.

Enjoy exploring your worlds and making decisions in the RPG AI! If you encounter issues or have suggestions, please share your feedback.